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Let's do this for "one another"

Aloha HCM family, due to the rising number of Covid-19 cases we would like to request that you wear your masks whenever we gather together as a church family.

As we navigate through the times and changes around us, I find myself easily falling into this "me-mode" mentality, fighting for my rights against anyone or anything that would disrupt my comfort. But it's interesting how God is often not as concerned with our comfort as He is our care for one another. In the New Testament alone there are 59 times where the phrase "one another" is mentioned. And we want to be a church where we are focused on "Others-first. I want to close this request by challenging us with something Jesus said out of Matthew 22:37-39:

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’

Today, we want to both love God, and love others in the most relevant and practical way possible. And so, mahalo in advance for your kokua in this recommendation.


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